Digital Customer Journey

Today, I want to talk about something I work on every single day – Digital Customer Journey!

I’m a digital analyst by day (and currently a blogger by night). What is a digital analyst you ask? In simple terms, I use digital data – both qualitative and quantitative, to better understand the customer behavior on site or on our mobile app. I then use these insights to make data driven decisions. All this data that gets generated is part of a customer’s journey.

What does this have to do with product? A lot actually!

I believe everything about product is about your customer. If you don’t spend time understanding the end user, things can go south pretty fast. Journey mapping helps you see the entire path a user takes (and the underlying thought process involved) when interacting with your product.

Here’s an example of a journey map I built for a particular persona type.

Since I analyze data from our hotel sites and apps, I need to understand how customers are using these products – What’s their thought process like? What are all the digital touchpoints they encounter?. But also, I need to build a robust analysis framework – what KPIs should I be looking at? What are the highest converting pages? What do users engage with the most?.

Buying something online is journey – people think, compare, research, analyze and then they buy. It’s a long process and it’s vital to understand every stage of it.

This blog is part of the 52 Weeks of Product series.