October 3, 2023February 2, 2025Customer Experience, Product Add To Cart Instacart went public three weeks back and it felt like a personal victory of sorts. As if I played a role in […]
April 12, 2023February 2, 2025Customer Experience Creating Lasting Customer Experiences I recently came across a quote that stuck with me.. I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget […]
March 28, 2022February 2, 2025Uncategorized India’s Fixation with Mobile Streaming Couple years back, I had enrolled in a product management course at Product School and my final project made me dive deep […]
October 10, 2021February 2, 2025Uncategorized Context Switching & Organized Creativity I used to envy the people who could effortlessly glide from one task to another, while seemingly being able to give their […]
May 21, 2021February 2, 2025Uncategorized Attribution Modeling Customer journeys today are not straightforward. For your digital marketing efforts to be truly successful, you need to nurture every single stage […]
August 23, 2019February 2, 2025Design, Product 3 UX Lessons from rohankhadilkar.com What I learnt from watching 30+ user sessions on my site. I have always had Google Analytics on my site. While it has been […]
January 27, 2019February 2, 2025Product The Rule of 100 Psychology has always intrigued me. Our brain is this complex mechanism making decisions for us 24×7. Now the thing I like the […]
January 13, 2019February 2, 2025Product Digital Customer Journey Today, I want to talk about something I work on every single day – Digital Customer Journey! I’m a digital analyst by […]
November 6, 2017February 2, 2025Analytics Inside the Mind of a Data Analyst So let’s first talk about what this article is NOT about. There will be no mention of R or Python or analytics […]
October 7, 2016February 2, 2025Analytics Hey Splunk, Tableau here. Can we connect? “You think Splunk will talk to Tableau?” “What? I thought they didn’t get along!” The human mind works in mysterious ways. I […]